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\u22The Stories that Come With the Shoe\u22: A Qualitative Study of Male Sneaker Collector Motivations, Experiences, and Identities




There is a thriving community of individuals with a passion for wearing, collecting, and sometimes reselling sneakers. The purpose of this study was to explore the motivations and perspectives of male sneaker collectors. Twelve men participated in semi-structured interviews. Research questions included: (1) How do sneaker collectors perceive the experience of sneaker collecting? (2) What makes a shoe collectable? (3) Is sneaker collecting used to represent or explore identity? Most participants were active in sports, especially basketball, and they thought that collecting arose naturally from their sports interests. Respondents cited three primary reasons for collecting a shoe: They collected shoes associated with particular moments in basketball history, shoes with aesthetic qualities they particularly liked, and shoes that would resell for high prices. Sneaker collecting does appear to be a way for these men to voice their interests in fashion, dress, and personal expression.
机译:有一个欣欣向荣的个人社区,他们热衷于穿着,收藏和有时转售运动鞋。这项研究的目的是探索男性运动鞋收藏家的动机和观点。十二个人参加了半结构化访谈。研究问题包括:(1)运动鞋收藏家如何看待运动鞋收藏的经历? (2)什么使鞋子可以收藏? (3)运动鞋收藏品是否用于代表或探索身份?大多数参与者都活跃于体育运动中,尤其是篮球运动,他们认为从体育爱好中自然而然地产生了收藏。受访者列举了收集鞋子的三个主要原因:他们收集了与篮球历史上特定时刻相关的鞋子,具有他们特别喜欢的美学品质的鞋子以及可以高价转售的鞋子。运动鞋的收集似乎确实是这些男人表达对时尚,着装和个人表达的兴趣的一种方式。



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